
Thanksgiving 2011

The tradition of the Jordan's Footsteps Thanksgiving Fundraiser, hosted by Jordan's aunt and uncle Jen and Harry Abramson, continued down In Baltimore, Maryland last November 2011. It was such a huge success that Jordan's Footsteps will be able to send 8 children to Camp Sunrise, a summer camp that is dedicated to children with cancer. In addition, the foundation was able to help 4 children who are or were undergoing chemotherapy at Sinai Hospital located in Baltimore. These gifts ranged from special needs strollers, wish gifts selected by these children as well as monetary help needed by the parents due to their very difficult situation.


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Camp Sunrise

Jen Abramson, Jordan's aunt (left) and Sidnee Berger, Jordan's
grandmother (right) present Camp Sunrise with a $8,000 check which
will enable 8 children who are undergoing chemotherapy to enjoy a
summer at camp which is dedicated to their special needs.